1. No Pixelated GarbageSubmit your film in 720/1080p minimum (4K preferred), Do whatever you want—just don’t make the projector cry. If your film looks like a 2007 YouTube rip, we’ll assume it’s a stylistic choice… and still reject it.
2. Sound Matters (Even in a Basement) Mix your audio so we can hear the dialogue over drunk hecklers. -6dB peak levels, no clipping, and absolutely no pirated music. Got a synth score recorded in your bathroom? Perfect. Just don’t blow the speakers—we’re borrowing them.
3. Subtitles or GTFO Non-English films? Burn-in those subtitles. We’re not fiddling with .SRT files mid-screening. Bonus points if your subs have attitude (e.g., «She’s lying, mate» instead of «She’s lying, friend»).
4. No “Surprise” Aspect Ratios If your film’s in 4:3, own it. If it’s 2.39:1, own it harder. But no masking tape on the projector lens to “create vibes.”
5. MOV/MP4/DCP If selected for screening, you’ll need one of these formats. No last-minute “Oh, but my film’s on a VHS now!” stunts. We’ve got a Betamax player… *but we won’t use it*.
6. Don’t Touch the Tech Found a rogue cable backstage? Cool. Don’t rewire it. Our AV crew are over-caffeinated wizards with trust issues.
7. Q&A Mandatory (No Hiding) If your film screens, you’re doing the Q&A. No “my cat’s ill” excuses. Crowd’s gonna grill you—expect questions like, “Can I get a shoutout for my mum?” Lean in.